1. Check for Duplicate Installations

Sometimes, the same BFD kit may appear multiple times in the software if it has been installed more than once. Check your installation folders to ensure that there are no duplicate installations of the BFD kit. If you find any duplicates, uninstall the extra installations to clean up your system.

2. Review Scanned Content Locations

Duplicate entries can also occur if the BFD software scans the same content multiple times. This can happen depending on how you have set up your content locations. Follow these steps to review and manage your content locations:

  1. Open BFD software.
  2. Go to Tools > Set up content locations.
  3. Review the list of content paths that are currently being scanned.

3. Restart the Content Scan

If you find that the same expansions or content libraries are being scanned multiple times, you can reset the scan and start fresh:

  1. In the Set up content locations window, select Remove all Content Paths. This will clear all the currently scanned locations.
  2. Navigate to the folder on your computer where all your BFD content is installed.
  3. Add this folder as the new content location and start a new scan.

4. Organize Your BFD Content

Errors related to duplicate kits are often due to a disorganized installation path of the user's BFD content. Consider reorganizing your BFD content so everything is stored in one folder on your computer to prevent these errors. For further assistance on organizing your content, review this article on BFD3 content organization:

BFD3 | Crashing on Start or Content Scan and Organizing Your Content

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of duplicate BFD kits appearing in your BFD software and ensure a smoother user experience.